Thursday, 25 February 2010

Map Complete!

Quick post just to say that the whole map for GTA: Sheffield is now finished. Take a look at the above screenshot! It's pretty big, and hopefully won't lag... Too much... It's not really recognisable as Sheffield, there's alot of artistic licence, but it's varied enough to be interesting (IMO).

Just missions to add now. Oh and sound. And the videos etc. And testing. And added details ie. road markings and streetlights etc. But apart from that lot... Nearly done!

Monday, 22 February 2010



This is the first post to this blog, and is pretty pointless, 'cos I don't expect anyone to read it... yet. Anyway this is where you'll find news, screenshots and (hopefully positive) reviews on any games I, JoeKangaroo Productions, erm... produce.

Right now, I'm working on the long awaited (believe it or not) sequel to the horrifically slated "GTA: Doncaster" released back in 2005-ish.

The original was awful, as you can see from the attached screenshot, but hopefully the sequel won't be. I've improved (I hope) since then, and hopefully that will be apparent from the screens too!

Thats it for now anyway! Hopefully this blog will get more publicity once the game is released, and then I won't be wasting my time!

