Saturday, 1 October 2011

Torturomatic 3

With work nearly complete on GTA:Sheffield, it seemed logical to close off the award winning* Tortur-o-matic series with the final part of the triolgy! For those who haven't played the award winning* original games, Tortur-o-matic and Tortur-o-matic 2: Labrynth can be found here! They both won awards*.

The games are set in an over populated world, where criminals are fed into trap filled mazes to the delight of a paying crowd. The first award winning* game was all on one screen, and had about 25 traps. The second had 3 screens, won an award* and had about 70 traps. Number three should have nearly 100 upgradable traps. It also boasts health upgrades, zoom levels and an infinite health mode.

But thats it for now, I've only drawn the map really, it's not even got traps added yet, so don't expect too much. Apart from awards* when it's released next year!

* Daily 5th place for Tortur-o-matic, Daily 4th place for Tortu-o-matic 2: Labrynth.

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